Bits & Pieces

Hear me out.

Steamed rice with raw salmon specially at Hana, CTmall.

1)  Anime. something that occupy my mind and help me a lot. err. I mean, refraining me from thinking a lot, that is if I have too much time in my hands.

2)  Caffeine is a bitter, white cyrstalline xanthine alkaloid that is a psychoactive stimulant drug. Woah, I love caffeine.

3)  I'm trying to change to hot milo instead, but there will be days that I'll fail without doubt.

4)  Japanese food, belacan, kangkung, sayur manis, tempoyak, terubuk. you can never take this away from me.

5)  Hana is the best place to enjoy japanese food. imo. and the usual main course would be saba-set or raw salmon (oishi... :)

6)  I love susa-ataris and of course totoro.

7)  I-must-get-my-hands-on-that-cute-mugs-especially-when-it's-free.

8)  If I saw one, I can't direct my eyes to anything else. They are too enticing. Bottles of liquor. Don't get me wrong. I did say bottles in the first place. Just liquor only will not do. I'm pretty crazy with the bottles actually. But not just any other bottles. It must be a bottle of liqour.

Well. perhaps, we'll meet some other time.

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