Friday, August 19, 2011


I once been told that I will have four children. Two daughters and two sons. 

The first being a girl, we named her Esmeralda. She is like me, the sister and the protector. No, maybe she is not, she would not be the sacrificed that I have been. I would not allowed it to happen. She take responsibility in whatever she's doing. She loves it when mummy includes her when preparing their meal of the day, even though she is not doing anything big, just fetching the sauce or spoon, mummy always makes her feel like she's done an important job. She loves mummy, daddy and her siblings so much.

Our second is Chrislucas, he loves his toys. He likes to do things on his own without being disturbed. He is creative and mystery is his thing, it satisfies his hunger for the unknown world outside his territory. His toys consist of cars, robot and anything looks mechanical. He would ensemble them, study their body parts and then constructing them again. He loves his toys and you better keep your hands off on whatever things that he already acknowledged of as his possession.

Their little sister is sweet. Swandra is the name given to our sweet little daughter. She loves her daddy so much. She loves it especially when she have quality time with daddy and the Ugly Duck. Yes, it's story time, it's that time of the day she loves the most. As long as you give her the attention she wants, she's not much a trouble, she always be the sweet little girl. 

The youngest, he enjoys watching his sisters and big brother playing, arguing and laughing. He loves his mummy and daddy so much that he quietly watch them while mummy is busy in the kitchen and daddy concentrates on his newspaper. When mummy put his blue cotton hat with the words 'Quanstantine' neatly sewn in front of it, he just give his baby smile to mummy.

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